about me
Osteopathy is an observational practice. Functional Medicine is an inquisitive one. It comes as no surprise that as a curiously observant creature I have landed somewhere between the two.
I see the role of the practitioner as one of listening, observing, finding pathways forward and giving a voice to the stories of our body, rather than simply fixing problems.
It is my goal to help people look at their body and their lives in a way that promotes action and brings you into a resourceful state so you can experience the things you want in life through a body that functions as best as it can.
My approach to treatment is grounded in a patient-centered approach to pain and chronic illness management and incorporates the right nutrition, combined with lifestyle, movement and behavioural interventions, to empower you take the back control of your health.
My work with canines is an extension of my work with people where observation and sensing become increasingly more important as they can not express themselves to us through language. My qualifications and studies include:
Masters of Health Science (Osteopathy)
Bachelor of Science (Clinical)
ADAPT Functional Medicine Practitioner Certification
Post Graduate studies in Functional Medicine
15 years of post graduate study in the Biodynamic approach to Cranial Osteopathy
RMT Life Coaching Training
Diploma in Clinical Pilates
Diploma in Animal Osteopathy
Diploma in Canine Myofunctional Therapy
Certificate in Canine Rehabilitation
functional medicine
Functional medicine is a holistic approach to working with chronic health conditions with a focus on nutrition, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
Many chronic illnesses are the result of long standing physiological imbalances within the systems of your body. This may be expressed as chronic inflammation, blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance, liver problems, digestive disturbances, and hormonal problems to name just a few.
By addressing the body’s underlying physiological systems along with lifestyle factors and environmental issues that contribute to ill health, we create the right space for your body’s innate healing forces to resolve imbalances that may be contributing to illness.
During a consultation we will discuss your presenting concerns, your health history and any preliminary tests you may have been requested to obtain such as blood tests, stool analysis, DUTCH tests and any other tools that help us identify the critical imbalances that are at the root of all illness.
From this we can identify your health goals, establish a food as medicine approach to your diet, supplement only as required, implement sleep, stress, and movement ideas and re-evaluate as your body starts to respond and your vitality improves.
Some common complaints functional medicine may be sought are autoimmune issues, hormonal complaints, digestive dysfunction, thyroid issues, allergies, or just feeling like you could be in better health .
Osteopathy is a philosophy and practice grounded in the belief that the body operates as a whole organism comprised of many varied parts whose structure and function are intimately related. The body has the innate capacity to move towards healing and wellness if given the opportunity, but at times there can be certain circumstances, or life choices we may make that can hinder the bodies ability to do this fully. We can experience this as pain, dysfunction, or illness and it is during these times that seeking the help of a practitioner can be useful.
Osteopathic treatment can assist with:
neck and back pain
joint pain and muscle strains
hip, knee, and ankle pain
Shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain
Osteopathic treatment can also address the musculo-skeletal associations of other health related issues such as:
digestive issues
menstrual pain and pain in pregnancy
breathing and respiration issues
migraine management
jaw pain and support after dental/orthodontic work
Osteopaths are allied health professionals that offer patient-centred approaches to healthcare and functional improvement which recognise the vital link between the structure of the body and the way it functions. Osteopaths focus on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function as a holistic unit.
Osteopaths are trained to check for signs of serious conditions they cannot treat. In these circumstances, they will discuss with you what they believe the problem to be and refer you to another practitioner for further investigations.
In Australia, osteopaths are government registered practitioners who complete minimum accredited university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general healthcare diagnosis, and osteopathic techniques.
In addition to this I have completed many years postgraduate study in Biodynamics of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and it is here that my passion for working with people lies. This approach recognises that the forces of embryological development that created the embryo, are the forces of growth and development and the continuing restorative forces throughout life.
During treatment gentle skilled pressure is applied to the body to work with these inherent forces and the motion already present within your body, which allows the tissues and systems space to reorganise around a balance point that is achieved as you slow down and rest on the table.

It is common for people these days to devote time to their own health and wellbeing so why not offer the same opportunities to you dog.
I have been adapting my diagnostic and clinical reasoning skills, along with my hands on techniques to work with dogs. This has seen me complete a diploma in canine myofunctional therapy, an introduction to canine rehabilitation, and currently I am working through post graduate studies in Animal Osteopathy with Animal Osteopathy International .
I also devote a large portion of my time each week to caring for up to 40 dingoes at the Australian Dingo Foundation, and monthly observations and case discussions with some of the local veterinarians and other canine practitioners.
Some of the benefits you may see with canine treatment include:
Reduced pain from stiffness, inflammation & muscle spasm
Improved mobility, flexibility & muscle tone
Reduced adhesions & scar tissue
Reduced post surgery recovery times
Management of arthritis & care of the elderly dog
Improved blood & lymph circulation
Relief from stress, anxiety & depression
Helps alleviate the trauma of emotional stress
My extra studies in the field of craniosacral work can be particular useful for dogs who are in palliative care where this gentle approach can help to calm the nervous system and make rest more easeful.
What to expect during a consultation:
A full health history will be conducted so bringing along all of your relevant veterinary history will be helpful
General observation, palpation, and gait analysis of your dog will be performed
Physical examination, assessment and a discussion of findings and whether treatment will be suitable or further review from your veterinarian is required
A treatment and management plan will be discussed and commencement of that during initial consult and any subsequent follow up appointments
I always work along side veterinarians and not as a substitute for them. Any time something falls out of my scope of practice a suitable alternative will be always be recommended.

I am currently based in the inner west of Melbourne. If you would like further information or to make an appointment please be in touch either by:
mobile: 0414 413 149
or the contact form below.