for canines
It is common for people to devote time to their own health and wellbeing and by extension it is only natural to offer the same opportunities to you dog.
I have been adapting my diagnostic and clinical reasoning skills, along with my hands on techniques to work with dogs. This has also involved further study in canine myofunctional therapy and an introduction to canine rehabilitation and I have my sights set on some post graduate studies in the future.
I also devote a large portion of my time each week to caring for up to 40 dingoes at the Australian Dingo Foundation, and monthly observations and case discussions with some of the local veterinarians and other canine practitioners.
Some of the benefits you may see with canine treatment include:
Reduced pain from stiffness, inflammation & muscle spasm
Improved mobility, flexibility & muscle tone
Reduced adhesions & scar tissue post injury or surgery
Management of arthritis & care of the elderly dog
Improved blood & lymph circulation
Relief from stress, anxiety & depression
My extra studies in the field of craniosacral osteopathy can be particular useful for dogs who are in palliative care where this gentle approach can help to calm the nervous system and make rest more easeful.
What to expect during a consultation:
A full health history will be conducted so bringing along all of your relevant veterinary history will be helpful
General observation, palpation, and gait analysis of your dog will be performed
Physical examination, assessment and a discussion of findings and whether treatment will be suitable or further review from your veterinarian is required
A treatment and management plan will be discussed and commencement of that during initial consult and any subsequent follow up appointments
I always work along side veterinarians and not as a substitute for them. Any time something falls out of my scope of practice a suitable alternative will be always be recommended.